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  • Writer's pictureRiley Clark

30 Hours on the Channel Islands

An impending storm in Santa Barbara called for a last minute trip to Channel Islands National park. With heavy rain in the forecast for the next few days, we weren't sure how the trip was going to pan out. However, at 5 am on Friday morning I dialed Island Packers and they confirmed that campers would be brought out to Santa Cruz Island at 9 am.

We arrived at Ventura Harbor 45 minutes before our scheduled departure to check in our backpacks and the rest of our gear. By 8:55 am we were all aboard and ready to cross the channel...or so we thought.

The boat and all the campsites are usually fully booked on weekends, so I should've been a bit weary when there were only two other groups besides ours heading out to the islands.

The captain mentioned the huge swell and massive winds when we first boarded, but I tried adapting a mindset that "it wouldn't be THAT bad." Massive 10-ft waves threw us back and fourth out of our seats. But somehow, after three hours and a handful of seasick passengers later, we arrived at Scorpion Cove on Santa Cruz Island.

When we pulled into the cove the wind seemed to cease. It was like entering a whole new world, a hidden oasis. We made a sort of assembly line to unload our gear and hauled all fifteen of our backpacks down the pier. The ranger gave us a short briefing about the island and some hiking recommendations before we began the short walk to our campsite.

We were the only large group at the campsites, which meant we had the entire field to roam. We chowed down on some PB&Js before spreading our tents across the field while island foxes pranced around hoping to snag some leftovers from our lunch.

We took off for an afternoon hike that consisted of seven miles along the outstanding cliffs. The rugged and pristine landscape offered unparalleled views of the Pacific Ocean. We spent minutes staring off into the distance questioning if it was a white cap of a crashing wave or a breaching whale making its migration south.

In the exposed areas, the wind nearly swept me off my feet countless times. The gusts were so forceful that maintaining balance became an exhilarating challenge, adding an unexpected element of adventure to our hike.

The vistas were truly breathtaking. They resembled a captivating blend of a Mediterranean island and the rolling hills of Austria. I constantly felt prompted to break into singing "the hills are alive with the sound of music!"

When the sun dipped below the horizon, we whipped up some tacos on the camp stove that everyone scarfed down. We told stories, played cards, and marveled at the incredible stars above our head before walking down to the pier for a night program with the rangers.

Using a bright green laser, they pointed out the different stars that filled the night sky. One outlined the constellations while the other described its meaning and seasonal presence in the sky. After talking with both rangers I learned that being on the island alone for five days at a time can be isolating, so they love gathering the campers for programs to educate us and talk to new people.

However, I think they were ready for me to go back to our site when I started asking what would happen if they pointed the laser at an airplane.

The following day we did another hike and a chilly ocean dip before making our way towards to pier to head back to Ventura, The ride home offered a stark contrast to our initial journey. The calmer waters gave us opportunities to spot bottlenose dolphins and even three gray whales from the bow of the boat.

Somehow, the rain didn't start until the minute we slammed our car doors shut at Ventura Harbor. I breathed the biggest sign of relief thinking about the incredible timing we had. Over the next two days, it down-poured in all of Santa Barbara and Ventura County. Roads were flooded, school was cancelled, and zero trips went out to the Channel Islands.

The next morning, I stood in the living room of my ocean-side college house and stared across the channel. Winds blew massive waves against the bluffs and rainclouds swirled around the islands. I couldn't believe that just yesterday I was there running through the green hills and basking in the sun.


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